Monday, February 15, 2016

Find your builder match

Finding a Builder can be an overwhelming and scary task.

There are many sources where you can find a builder, but making sure he's the right one for you isn't an easy task.

Don't settle for the first guy that answers the phone.  Keep searching until you have at least three viable firms.

Do your due diligence by asking questions and calling references

Don't work with anyone who makes you feel intimidated or uncomfortable.

Don't loose sight of the fact that you are the Client.  You are not expected to know construction.  Anyone that acts condescending or does not take the time to walk you through things is not worth considering.

Above all, no matter how large or small your project find someone you feel comfortable with, but don't skip calling references or verifying licenses and insurances.

Were you successful in your search?  How did you find your match?  Did you make a bad choice?  What steps did you skip?

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