Monday, February 22, 2016

Are you a Project Manager

One of the most important yet commonly overlooked roles in residential construction is the Project Manager.

Owners know they need a builder and most recognize when they need an Architect but few ever consider hiring a Project Manager.

This results in the Owners taking all of the duties and responsibilities of the PM without even knowing.

This gap in the project is felt by all of the team but typically is most detrimental to the Owner himself.

This results in; increased fees, delays in schedule, and poor workmanship.  In addition, Owner's typically come away with a general sense of being overwhelmed and often other members of the team are blamed.

The Project Manager plays a key role in the project team.  The PM has a number of responsibilities.  Getting the most out of a PM means that the procurement of the PM should meet a few key conditions.
     1. The PM should be an experienced construction professional.
     2. The PM should have no affiliation with any of the project team. 
     2. The PM should be hired directly by the Owner.

The Project Manager's role is to act entirely in the owner's interest.  The PM drives scope, schedule, and budget on behalf of the Owner.  Employing an independent professional to work in your best interests can greatly reduce the stress of a construction project.

Follow these simple suggestions and you will reap the benefits of this important member of your project team.

Are you acting as your own Project Manager?  If so, how are things going?  Did you hire a PM and find they were not as helpful as you expected?  Write me and tell me your experience.

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